Friday, July 11, 2014

It's getting better all the time...

I seem to slowly be coming out of my funk... not quite out yet, but I hit a really low point on #7, because it looks nothing like who it is... @*(#&%(@^,

 But today at lunch, I did a quick sketch of another stuffed animal in the cabinet.  The taxidermy pieces here are not great...  why would they bend the little guy's back like this? Red pencil.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

6 of 15

So last night's sketch, though I don't totally hate it, isn't great, but isn't bad.. It's from a throwback photo, but it's not quite accurate. Insert excuse here. Hah.  I know I know.  Practice practice practice. 

My child has some wild hair....

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Choo Choo

The challenge is just a moving along... these past three days were a bit inactive, but, I was wrapped up in a book, which my husband says is totally justifiable, because reading is still technically a hobby, just not one you can see..
That being said, I took a hot second away from the sketchpad because of pure frustration too!  The last three sketches have been awful!  The first two started out as something completely different to begin with, which I just ended up changing after erasing and re-drawing for 30 minutes... the third, THE THIRD was supposed to be a drawing of V while she was messing with her phone.  It looks NOTHING like her!! NOTHING!!!!!  UGH!!  So of course, I know I'm my worst critic, but I was wallowing in a pit of  OMGHAVEILOSTITWHATISWRONGWITHME!?!, and I wanted to finish this book anyway (if you get a chance, check out the Dresden Files series by Jim Butcher!).

Begrudgingly, I post said 3 disasters... which I guess are what sketchbooks are for, aren't they?

 This first was going to be a sketch of Ben as a little kid (hopefully I'll be able to accomplish it in the future at some point) but I couldn't seem to manage it, so I erased it and sketched Henry's blocks all over the floor.  Mind you, it was like 11:30 at night, I was tired and grumpy.
 This one was a sketch at my lunchbreak of a taxidermy piece of a raccoon.  Not a great one, I might add, which is what I'll blame this one on.... Once I had gotten tired of trying to get the shading where I wanted it to be so it would correctly portray the shape of the head - not to mention the rapid approach of the end of my lunch hour - I just did a quick scribbly outline of the whole thing, which makes the little dude look more like some kind of kangaroo.

This one looks nothing like my subject. Poop.

On a side note... V has added a little bit of juicy fiction to her blog in a post from this weekend. Rawr.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


So, yet again, I've started a challenge with a friend. We have both been discussing how we live a go go go life, and spend what little time we have to ourselves watching tv or surfing social media, yet still feel like we haven't enough time in the day to pursue the things we really want to pursue. We find excuses, when really, what we do is just waste time on sites like facebook, candy crush, and pinterest (I know its blasphemy but it just SUCKS TIME), not even really doing anything on there, just browsing, then at the end of the day, we complain that we get no 'us' time.  PFFFF. 

So we've decided to do a 15 day challenge with each other, to force ourselves to take no less than 15 minutes of each day during the challenge and dedicate it to a chosen hobby that we want to get back into. 15 days, to start small, so that this first attempt won't be seem overwhelming, and posting together on our respective blogs to keep each other accountable to the challenge.  No lie, we texted each other at, like, 10:45 PM last night to follow up on the day's progress.  Both of us were just then working on it...

Needless to say, my goal is to sketch every day, just like every other challenge attempt.  I have faith though. I will make it this time. My friend, V, has challenged herself to write on her blog every day for 15 days. Here is the link to her blog: . It's a fun blog to read for the everyday woman.

That being said... Today is day 3 of our challenge.  Below are sketches from days 1 and 2 of 15. Both in my 5x7ish moleskin sketchbook with pencil.

First Things First, MURAL IS COMPLETE!

That's right!! I have completed my son's mural in his room!!!  Apologies for this post being so late though... I finished it a little over a month ago...Whoops.

He has also been finally sleeping in his crib IN his room for the past three nights!! I have mixed emotions about it but let's be honest. It's awesome!