Friday, February 28, 2014


So I did 2 sketches yesterday, one might have been while in training at work... WHAT? I didn't say that! 

More of the hub and munch, then the pooch. Still haven't gotten any black paint for the mural that will work... sigh.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Lil more here and there...

So between the seemingly endless layers of the mural, I've occasionally taken up to sketch.. Baby steps, right?  Then there was an incident at work involving a wookie in a 2piece... I do what I can.  Otherwise, beholden my recent sketches.

I start with some quick sketches of some coworkers in their webcams during training.  Admittedly enough.. I could have been paying better attention to what we were supposed to be learning... But Josh's beard was calling to me..

 And a few more of le munch.  Then le munch going after the dog.. Tee hee.

Until next time... No progress to be made on the mural right now anyway... Until I find a suitable black paint for the outline..

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

No sketches at the moment

This is actually quite frustrating... I've been working on my my sons mural...and of course you can't tell much of a difference in the pic.... I have added layers to many of the colors to make them flatter....tomorrow I'm going out to get black paint for the outline... Which I'm going to go ahead and complete, then finish the colors around it. Behold.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Not Part of a Sketchbook, Technically

But here is the progress thus far of the mural I am doing in the munch's room. It's Calvin&Hobbes sleeping in a tree... very simple. Unfortunately, because I did the initial outline in pencil, it's taking FOREVER to do the needed amount of layers in the yellow to cover the marks.. sigh. Once I get tired of layering, I add another color just so it feels like I'm making some kind of progress... then I go back to the yellow and layer some more...


Who's been actually opening up her sketchbook and drawing in it this year so far??!  I HAVE!! Woot for little victories.  It hasn't been every day, but I think I'm making progress...  Enough said, bear witness.  Needless to say, I draw my baby a LOT.

 And my dog...
 Creation of man pose..
 An associate at work, who shall remain nameless, since she hates pictures of herself.
 Close friend holding the babe
 And the babe passed out on the hub...

I have also been working on a mural in my son's room.  Process pics to follow.