Saturday, March 29, 2014


Craziness for a while...been out of the loop of everything.  Now a couple of weeks off should give me just the jolt I need to sketch more and finish that friggin mural so the babe can move out of our room!
Did a sketch for a friend tonight...she's giving it as a gift to her gf.  Just need to add fixative and it'll be delivery-ready.  I think I spent maybe a total of 3-4 hours on it?  Charcoal pencil on tinted paper... 5x7.  She picked the paper... And I didn't think that graphite would show very well on the dark tint, which is why I went with charcoal..  It's been a hot minute since I've used charcoal, but I don't think it turned out too bad.
Also the only sb drawing I've done.. Blah. 

Also I finally started the outline for the mural.. It makes it look a tad more put together... But there are several touchups in the other colors I need to do before I can go back to the outline to complete it.  Such as Hobbes' hand for instance.  Heres to maybe possibly finishing this week? Maybe? 

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